Mathematica's symbolic architecture supports a highly generalized notion of assignment, in which you can specify a transformation for any class of expressions defined by a ...
In many practical situations it is convenient to consider limits in which a fixed amount of something is concentrated into an infinitesimal region. Ordinary mathematical ...
This loads the package. Economized rational approximations. A Pad é approximation is very accurate near the center of expansion, but the error increases rapidly as you get ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Take[list, n] gives the first n elements of list. Take[list, -n] gives the last n elements of list. Take[list, {m, n}] gives elements m through n of list. Take[list, seq_1, ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Select[list, crit] picks out all elements e_i of list for which crit[e_i] is True. Select[list, crit, n] picks out the first n elements for which crit[e_i] is True.
When you ask for the square root s of a number a, you are effectively asking for the solution to the equation s^2a. This equation, however, in general has two different ...