InverseErf[s] gives the inverse error function obtained as the solution for z in s = erf(z).
Numerical root finding. NSolve gives you numerical approximations to all the roots of a polynomial equation. You can also use NSolve to solve sets of simultaneous equations ...
Calculus lets you approximate complicated functions with power series. Mathematica lets you generate and work with power series for a huge range of functions.
If you have an equation like 2x==0, it is perfectly clear that the only possible solution is x->0. However, if you have an equation like ax==0, things are not so clear. If a ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs =. removes any rules defined for lhs.
TableDepth is an option for TableForm and MatrixForm which specifies the maximum number of levels to be printed in tabular or matrix format.
A delay differential equation is a differential equation where the time derivatives at the current time depend on the solution and possibly its derivatives at previous times: ...
Graphs provide great information visualization. Highlighting graph elements will let information stand out. By using algorithmic graph layouts, much of the structure in a ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) GCD[n_1, n_2, ...] gives the greatest common divisor of the n_i.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ArcTanh[z] gives the inverse hyperbolic tangent tanh -1 (z) of the complex number z.