Unicode: 2209. Aliases: Esc !el Esc, Esc !elem Esc. Infix set relation operator with built-in evaluation rules. x ∉ y is by default interpreted as NotElement[x,y].
Finding the date and time. This gives the current date and time. The Mathematica DateList function returns whatever your computer system gives as the current date and time. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Rest[expr] gives expr with the first element removed.
A variety of moments or combinations of moments are used to summarize a distribution or data. Mean is used to indicate a center location, variance and standard deviation are ...
Integrated into the Mathematica system are powerful functions for analyzing large volumes of discrete and integer data—often conveniently specified using Mathematica's ...
FactorList[poly] gives a list of the factors of a polynomial, together with their exponents.
FunctionExpand[expr] tries to expand out special and certain other functions in expr, when possible reducing compound arguments to simpler ones. FunctionExpand[expr, assum] ...
In an expression like f[x], the 'function name' f is itself an expression, and you can treat it as you would any other expression. You can replace names of functions using ...
ListAnimate[{expr_1, expr_2, ...}] generates an animation whose frames are the successive expr_i. ListAnimate[list, fps] displays fps frames per second.
When Mathematica reads the text x^y, it interprets it as x raised to the power y. In a notebook, you can also give the two-dimensional input x^y directly. Mathematica again ...