ImageCooccurrence[image, n] gives the n*n cooccurrence matrix for image.ImageCooccurrence[image, n, ker] computes a cooccurrence matrix for arbitrary spatial relationships ...
Mathematica normally takes any expression it is given, and evaluates it as far as possible. But built into the Mathematica language is a collection of flexible primitives ...
ItemStyle is an option for Grid, Column, and related constructs that specifies styles to use for items.
Un/Comment comments or uncomments the selected expression.
VectorAngle[u, v] gives the angle between the vectors u and v.
AdjustmentBox[box, opts] is a low-level box construct which displays with the placement of box adjusted using the options given.
J/Link provides Mathematica users with the ability to interact with arbitrary Java classes directly from Mathematica. You can create objects and call methods directly in the ...
ButtonBar[{lbl_1 :> act_1, lbl_2 :> act_2, ...}] represents a bar of buttons with labels lbl_i that perform actions act_i when pressed.
InteractiveTradingChart[{{date_1, {open_1, high_1, low_1, close_1, volume_1}}, ...}] makes a chart showing prices and volume for each date. InteractiveTradingChart[{" name", ...