Functions like Read and Write handle ordinary printable text. But in dealing with external data files or devices it is sometimes necessary to go to a lower level, and work ...
MannWhitneyTest[{data_1, data_2}] tests whether the medians of data_1 and data_2 are equal.MannWhitneyTest[dspec, \[Mu]_0] tests the median difference against ...
CUDAInverseFourier[list] finds the discrete inverse Fourier transform of a list of complex numbers.CUDAInverseFourier[mem] finds the discrete inverse Fourier transform of a ...
AbelianGroup[{n_1, n_2, ...}] represents the direct product of the cyclic groups of degrees n_1, n_2, ....
SeedRandom[n] resets the pseudorandom generator, using n as a seed. SeedRandom[] resets the generator, using as a seed the time of day and certain attributes of the current ...
CUDAClosing[img, r] gives the closing of img with respect to a range-r square.CUDAClosing[list, r] gives the closing of list with respect to a range-r square.CUDAClosing[mem, ...
ImageTrim[image , {{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}] gives the subimage of image spanned by the specified points.ImageTrim[image, {{x_1, y_1}, {x_2, y_2}, ...}, r] adds a margin ...
SymmetricGroup[n] represents the symmetric group of degree n.
PowerListToField[list] gives the field associated with list of element data parts list, where the elements are generated by successive powers of a primitive element.
ErrorBarFunction is an option for ErrorListPlot that specifies a function to apply to determine the shape of error bars.