2571 - 2580 of 8969 for wrapping functions around elements of li...Search Results
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Covariance   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Covariance[v_1, v_2] gives the covariance between the vectors v_1 and v_2.Covariance[m] gives the covariance matrix for the matrix m.Covariance[m_1, m_2] gives the covariance ...
MusicScale   (Music Package Symbol)
MusicScale[{i_1, i_2, ...}, freq, dur] creates a Sound object that is a sequence of pitches corresponding to numbers i_1, i_2, ..., a list of intervals measured in cents, ...
SampleRate   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
SampleRate is an option for sound primitives that specifies the number of samples per second to generate for sounds.
FiniteGroupData   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
FiniteGroupData[name, " property"] gives the value of the specified property for the finite group specified by name.FiniteGroupData["class"] gives a list of finite groups in ...
Legend   (Plot Legends Package Symbol)
Legend[{{box_1, text_1}, ...}, options] generates a legend with the specified boxes and text.Legend[func, num, options] generates a legend by applying func to numbers between ...
$MaxNumber   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
$MaxNumber gives the maximum arbitrary-precision number that can be represented on a particular computer system.
Mixing Text and Formulas   (Mathematica Tutorial)
The simplest way to mix text and formulas in a Mathematica notebook is to put each kind of material in a separate cell. Sometimes, however, you may want to embed a formula ...
DirectAgglomerate   (Hierarchical Clustering Package Symbol)
DirectAgglomerate[m] constructs a cluster hierarchy based on the distance or dissimilarity matrix m.DirectAgglomerate[m, list] associates the elements of list with the rows ...
ExportString   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
ExportString[expr, " format"] generates a string corresponding to expr exported in the specified format. ExportString[rules, {"format", "Rules"}] gives explicit rules for ...
Operators without Built-in Meanings   (Mathematica Tutorial)
When you enter a piece of input such as 2+2, Mathematica first recognizes the + as an operator and constructs the expression Plus[2,2], then uses the built-in rules for Plus ...
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