BarChart3D[{y_1, y_2, ...}] makes a 3D bar chart with bar lengths y_1, y_2, ....BarChart3D[{..., w_i[y_i, ...], ..., w_j[y_j, ...], ...}] makes a 3D bar chart with bar ...
p .. or Repeated[p] is a pattern object that represents a sequence of one or more expressions, each matching p. Repeated[p, max] represents up to max expressions matching ...
(C Compiler Driver Package Tutorial) The C Compiler Driver package allows you to use a C compiler from within Mathematica. This section summarizes the functionality. This section summarizes the functions used to ...
Groups admit many different representations. In particular, all finite groups can be represented as permutation groups, that is, they are always isomorphic to a subgroup of ...
FactorSquareFree[poly] pulls out any multiple factors in a polynomial.
Mathematica's scheduled tasks provide a way to set evaluation of arbitrary expressions in the future. Tasks can be scheduled for one-time evaluation, or for repeated ...
GraphPlot and GraphPlot3D calculate and plot a visually appealing 2D/3D layout of a graph. The functions are designed to work with very large graphs and handle both connected ...
HighlightGraph[g, {a_1, a_2, ...}] highlights the a_i that can be vertices, edges, or subgraphs of g.HighlightGraph[g, {..., w_j[a_j], ...}] highlights using the symbolic ...
PairedHistogram[{x_1, x_2, ...}, {y_1, y_2, ...}] plots a paired histogram of the values x_i and y_i.PairedHistogram[{x_1, x_2, ...}, {y_1, y_2, ...}, bspec] plots a paired ...
Successor[e] gives the next element in a canonical ordering of the field elements.