Mathematica provides direct access to a large volume of mathematical data, specially organized and created for Mathematica. The data is available in a wide range of forms ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Collect[expr, x] collects together terms involving the same powers of objects matching x. Collect[expr, {x_1, x_2, ...}] collects together terms that involve the same powers ...
This section shows some of the ways that TetGenLink can be applied. To use TetGenLink it must first be loaded. Next, some random points are generated and displayed.
SchurDecomposition[m] yields the Schur decomposition for a numerical matrix m, given as a list {q, t} where q is an orthonormal matrix and t is a block upper-triangular ...
StartScheduledTask[obj] starts the task represented by obj.
SyntaxInformation[f] gives information used to generate syntax coloring and other advisories when f[...] is entered as input.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ToRules[eqns] takes logical combinations of equations, in the form generated by Roots and Reduce, and converts them to lists of rules, of the form produced by Solve.
DampingConstant[element] gives a list of {wavelength_v, damping} pairs, where wavelength_v is the wavelength in vacuum and damping is the natural damping constant of the ...
OscillatorStrength[element] gives a list of {wavelength_v, strength} pairs, where wavelength_v is the wavelength in vacuum and strength is the oscillator strength of the ...
RelativeStrength[element] gives a list of {wavelength_v, strength} pairs, where wavelength_v is the wavelength in vacuum and strength is the relative strength of the ...