FindGeometricTransform[pts_1, pts_2] finds a geometric transformation between two geometries pts_1 and pts_2, returning the alignment error together with the transformation ...
RunScheduledTask[expr] schedules and starts a task that will repeatedly evaluate expr once per second.RunScheduledTask[expr, time] schedules and starts a task that will ...
The general principle that Mathematica follows in evaluating expressions is to go on applying transformation rules until the expressions no longer change. This means, for ...
GraphSum[g_1, g_2, ...] constructs the graph resulting from joining the edge lists of graphs g_1, g_2, and so forth.
HoldFirst is an attribute which specifies that the first argument to a function is to be maintained in an unevaluated form.
SplineKnots is an option for B-spline functions and graphics primitives that specifies the positions of knots.
DesignMatrix[{{x_11, x_12, ..., y_1}, {x_21, x_22, ..., y_2}, ...}, {f_1, f_2, ...}, {x_1, x_2, ...}] constructs the design matrix for the linear model \[Beta]_0 + \[Beta]_1 ...
Mathematica provides great flexibility for displaying and styling headings in a table. You can use Prepend or ArrayFlatten to add headings to rows and columns and then use ...
int MTensor_setMTensor (MTensor t, MTensor val, mint*pos, mint numpos) sets a subtensor element in an MTensor.
SectorSpacing is an option to PieChart and related functions that specifies radial spacing of sectors.