ParallelDo[expr, {i_max}] evaluates expr in parallel i_max times. ParallelDo[expr, {i, i_max}] evaluates expr in parallel with the variable i successively taking on the ...
StableMarriage[mpref, fpref] finds the male optimal stable marriage defined by lists of permutations describing male and female preferences.
BorelTannerDistribution[\[Alpha], n] represents a Borel\[Dash]Tanner distribution with shape parameters \[Alpha] and n.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) a.b.c or Dot[a, b, c] gives products of vectors, matrices, and tensors.
The essence of most methods is in the local quadratic model that is used to determine the next step. The FindMinimum function in Mathematica has five essentially different ...
There are some close connections between finding a "local minimum" and solving a set of nonlinear equations. Given a set of n equations in n unknowns, seeking a solution r(x) ...
ReliefImage[array] generates a relief image of an array of height values.
CUDALink allows Mathematica to use the CUDA parallel computing architecture on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). It contains functions that use CUDA-enabled GPUs to boost ...
VertexList[g] gives a list of all vertices in the graph g.
Mathematica's breadth of functionality in handling documents, computation, and graphics gives it a rich collection of menu items—all carefully designed to be as familiar as ...