MeyerWavelet[] represents the Meyer wavelet of order 3.MeyerWavelet[n] represents the Meyer wavelet of order n evaluated on the equally spaced interval {-10, ...
SuzukiDistribution[\[Mu], \[Nu]] represents the Suzuki distribution with shape parameters \[Mu] and \[Nu].
Introduction Getting Started Configuring and Monitoring
StringCount["string", " sub"] gives a count of the number of times " sub" appears as a substring of " string". StringCount["string", patt] gives the number of substrings in " ...
Exclusions is an option that specifies where to exclude in regions used by functions like Plot, Plot3D, and NIntegrate.
Sometimes you may want to set up functions where certain arguments, if omitted, are given "default values". The pattern x_:v stands for an object that can be omitted, and if ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) TeXForm[expr] prints as a TeX version of expr.
Mathematica can work with polynomials whose coefficients are in the finite field Z_p of integers modulo a prime p. Functions for manipulating polynomials over finite fields. ...
Mathematica usually goes about its work silently, giving output only when it has finished doing the calculations you asked for. However, if it looks as if Mathematica is ...
This section discusses commands that get information about database columns. If you find that the examples in this section do not work as shown, you may need to install or ...