NIntegrate[f, {x, x_min, x_max}] gives a numerical approximation to the integral \[Integral]_x_min^x_max\ f\ d \ x. NIntegrate[f, {x, x_min, x_max}, {y, y_min, y_max}, ...] ...
ImageForwardTransformation[image, function] gives an image in which each pixel at position function[{x, y}] corresponds to the position {x, y} in ...
Discrete distributions come from a variety of backgrounds, but perhaps the most common relate back to the simple Bernoulli trial, which chooses between two outcomes, called ...
Conditioned[expr, cond] or expr \[Conditioned] cond represents expr conditioned by the predicate cond.
ParallelProduct[expr, {i, i_max}] evaluates the product \[Product]i = 1 i_max expr in parallel.ParallelProduct[expr, {i, i_min, i_max}] starts with i = ...
UniformGraphDistribution[n, m] represents a uniform graph distribution on n-vertex, m-edge graphs.
ExponentialMovingAverage[list, \[Alpha]] gives the exponential moving average of list with smoothing constant \[Alpha].
FisherHypergeometricDistribution[n, n_succ, n_tot, w] represents a Fisher noncentral hypergeometric distribution.
Booleans represents the domain of Booleans, as in x \[Element] Booleans.
ImageCorrespondingPoints[image_1, image_2] finds a set of matching interest points in image_1 and image_2 and returns their pixel coordinates.