ListDensityPlot[array] generates a smooth density plot from an array of values. ListDensityPlot[{{x_1, y_1, f_1}, {x_2, y_2, f_2}, ...}] generates a density plot with values ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Table[expr, {i_max}] generates a list of i_max copies of expr. Table[expr, {i, i_max}] generates a list of the values of expr when i runs from 1 to i_max. Table[expr, {i, ...
Notation , Symbolize and InfixNotation have several options that modify their behavior. These notation functions all take the options WorkingForm and Action. In addition the ...
The function NDSolve discussed in "Numerical Differential Equations" allows you to find numerical solutions to differential equations. NDSolve handles both single ...
Hypergeometric2F1[a, b, c, z] is the hypergeometric function \[InvisiblePrefixScriptBase]_2 F_1 (a, b; c; z).
NDSolve solves a differential equation numerically. It returns solutions in a form that can be readily used in many different ways. One typical use would be to produce a plot ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Flatten[list] flattens out nested lists. Flatten[list, n] flattens to level n. Flatten[list, n, h] flattens subexpressions with head h. Flatten[list, {{s_11, s_12, ...}, ...
LaguerreL[n, x] gives the Laguerre polynomial L_n (x). LaguerreL[n, a, x] gives the generalized Laguerre polynomial L_n^a(x).
SpheroidalEigenvalue[n, m, \[Gamma]] gives the spheroidal eigenvalue with degree n and order m.
ArrayPlot[array] generates a plot in which the values in an array are shown in a discrete array of squares.