If you have special-purpose programs written in C or Fortran, you may want to take formulas you have generated in Mathematica and insert them into the source code of your ...
Contours is an option for contour plots that specifies the contours to draw.
Dealing with fonts under Linux can sometimes be tricky. The important issues in dealing with fonts in Mathematica are presented in this tutorial for your convenience. The ...
This example shows how to use a private database to store Mathematica commands and query the data from Java and Mathematica. If you find that the examples in this section do ...
PositiveDefiniteMatrixQ[m] tests whether m is a positive definite matrix.
PERTDistribution[{min, max}, c] represents a PERT distribution with range min to max and maximum at c.PERTDistribution[{min, max}, c, \[Lambda]] represents a modified PERT ...
(Mathematica System Program) mcc options files MathLink template file compiler.
If you use a text-based interface to Mathematica, then the input you give must consist only of characters that you can type directly on your computer keyboard. But if you use ...
Introduction to Differential Equation Solving with DSolve Classification of Differential Equations Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
Even with "Newton methods" where the local model is based on the actual Hessian, unless you are close to a root or minimum, the model step may not bring you any closer to the ...