SemialgebraicComponentInstances[ineqs, {x_1, x_2, ...}] gives at least one sample point in each connected component of the semialgebraic set defined by the inequalities ineqs ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) RSolve[eqn, a[n], n] solves a recurrence equation for a[n]. RSolve[{eqn_1, eqn_2, ...}, {a_1[n], a_2[n], ...}, n] solves a system of recurrence equations. RSolve[eqn, a[n_1, ...
SQLMemberQ[data, column] specifies a condition in an SQL query used to test whether an element of a list matches the value of a column.
(GUIKit Package Symbol) Name is an option to GUIKit expression functions and identifies a string name with which to register the widget instance in the active widget registry.
Mathematica allows arbitrary styling of any form of text to be specified either interactively from menus and commands—or programmatically using its powerful symbolic ...
BeckmannDistribution[\[Mu]_1, \[Mu]_2, \[Sigma]_1, \[Sigma]_2] represents the Beckmann distribution with means \[Mu]_1 and \[Mu]_2 and standard deviations \[Sigma]_1 and ...
LightingAngle is an option for ReliefPlot and related functions that specifies the angle from which simulated illumination is taken to come.
PlotPoints is an option for plotting functions that specifies how many initial sample points to use.
Here is an example of an exact ODE. This verifies the solution. Here is a contour plot of the solution.
TetGenExpression[id] represents an instance of a TetGen object.