The following is the sequence of steps that Mathematica follows in evaluating an expression like h[e_1,e_2…]. Every time the expression changes, Mathematica effectively ...
RegionFunction is an option for plotting functions that specifies the region to include in the plot drawn.
ReadList["file"] reads all the remaining expressions in a file and returns a list of them. ReadList["file", type] reads objects of the specified type from a file, until the ...
MathieuCharacteristicA[r, q] gives the characteristic value a_r for even Mathieu functions with characteristic exponent r and parameter q.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) BesselK[n, z] gives the modified Bessel function of the second kind K_n (z).
Version 6.0 represented a major step forward in visualization and graphics, with many new and original concepts. Among them was full integration of Mathematica symbolic ...
Ways to get pieces of matrices. Matrices in Mathematica are represented as lists of lists. You can use all the standard Mathematica list-manipulation operations on matrices. ...
MathieuCharacteristicExponent[a, q] gives the characteristic exponent r for Mathieu functions with characteristic value a and parameter q.
The built-in functions in Mathematica operate in a wide variety of ways. But many of the mathematical functions share an important approach: they are set up so as to reduce ...
TrigToExp[expr] converts trigonometric functions in expr to exponentials.