(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Greedy is a value that the option Algorithm can take in calls to functions such as VertexCover, telling the function to use a greedy algorithm.
int MLGetString (MLINK link, const char ** s) gets a character string from the MathLink connection specified by link, storing the string in s.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Magnify[expr, r] represents an object to be displayed with magnification r. Magnify[expr] displays with expr magnified by a fixed factor.
PolarTicks is an option for sector charts and polar plots that specifies tick marks for polar axes.
int MLPutUCS2Symbol (MLINK link, const unsigned short *s, int len) puts a symbol whose name is given by s with length len to the MathLink connection specified by link.
The CCompilerDriver package lets you work with C compilers that are installed on your computer. It is used automatically by the Mathematica compiler when you set the option ...
Cyclotomic[n, x] gives the n\[Null]^th cyclotomic polynomial in x.
The Wolfram Workbench is a development environment for Mathematica. Some of its features include the following. The Workbench contains a number of useful features for working ...
void MLReleaseByteString (MLINK link, const unsigned char *s, int n) disowns memory allocated by MLGetByteString() to store the array of character codes s.