Unicode: 223C. Alias: Esc ~ Esc. Infix similarity operator. x ∼ y is by default interpreted as Tilde[x,y]. Used in mathematics for many notions of similarity or equivalence. ...
Unicode: 2191. Infix arrow operator. x ↑ y is by default interpreted as UpArrow[x,y]. Sometimes used in mathematics to denote generalization of powers. Used to indicate ...
MorphologicalBranchPoints[image] gives a version of a binary image image in which white pixels represent the morphological branch points.
TetGen is a quality tetrahedral mesh generator and a three-dimensional Delaunay triangulator. It is used by Mathematica for various operations, such as interpolation in ...
void MLReleaseUTF32String (MLINK link, const unsigned int *s, int len) disowns memory allocated by MLGetUTF32String() to store the UTF-32 encoded string s.
This tutorial discusses how to retrieve information about data types. When you create a table, you will need to refer to these data types. If you find that the examples in ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) NSum[f, {i, i_min, i_max}] gives a numerical approximation to the sum \[Sum]i = i_min i_max f.NSum[f, {i, i_min, i_max, di}] uses a step di in the sum.
FunctionOfCoefficients[g] is a setting for the option FormatType that specifies the format g[c_0, c_1, ...] for an element, where c_0, c_1, ... are the coefficients in the ...
StringTrim["string"] trims whitespace from the beginning and end of " string".StringTrim["string", patt] trims substrings matching patt from the beginning and end.