CellDynamicExpression is an option for cells that specifies an expression to be dynamically updated whenever the cell is visible on-screen.
OperatingSystem is an option for file and related operations that specifies the type of operating system to use to determine file name and other conventions.
void MTensor_disownAll (MTensor t) disowns all references to an MTensor that was passed between a library function and Mathematica using shared memory management.
void MTensor_disown (MTensor t) disowns a reference to an MTensor that was passed between a library function and Mathematica using shared memory management.
RangeFilter[image, r] filters image by replacing every pixel by the difference of the maximum and minimum in its range r neighborhood. RangeFilter[data, r] applies a range ...
VertexOutComponent[g, {v_1, v_2, ...}] gives the vertices in the graph g that have a directed path from at least one of v_1, v_2, ....VertexOutComponent[g, {v_1, v_2, ...}, ...
$Inspector is a global variable which gives a function to apply when the inspector is invoked from an interrupt menu.
SQLDelete deletes data from a database. An alternative, using raw SQL, is described in "Deleting Data with Raw SQL". If you find that the examples in this tutorial do not ...
GaussianQuadratureError[n, f, a, b] gives the leading term in the error of the elementary n-point Gaussian quadrature formula for the function f on an interval from a to ...
GraphPower[g, n] gives the graph-n\[Null]^th power of the graph g.