SpanMaxSize is an option for selections that specifies the maximum size of spanning characters such as parentheses and brackets.
SpanMinSize is an option for selections that specifies the minimum size of spanning characters such as parentheses and brackets.
OpenCLFractalRender3D[width, height] renders a three-dimensional fractal with image size being the specified width and height.
HarmonicMeanFilter[image, r] filters image by replacing every value by the harmonic mean of the values in its range r neighborhood. HarmonicMeanFilter[data, r] applies ...
Placeholder[name] represents a placeholder labeled with name that indicates a place to type.Placeholder[] gives the empty placeholder \[Placeholder].
ReverseGraph[g] gives the reverse graph of the directed g.
StandardDeviationFilter[image, r] filters image by replacing every value by the standard deviations of the values in its range r neighborhood. StandardDeviationFilter[data, ...
WishartDistribution[\[CapitalSigma], m] represents a Wishart distribution with scale matrix \[CapitalSigma] and degrees of freedom parameter m.
MorphologicalGraph[image] gives a graph object that represents the connectivity of the morphological branch points and endpoints of the objects in image after applying ...
BorderDimensions[image] gives the pixel width of uniform borders of image in the form {{left, right}, {bottom, top}}.BorderDimensions[image, t] finds borders whose pixels ...