ScreenRectangle is a global option that specifies the position of the screen by giving the coordinates of two diagonally opposite corners.
The CCompilerDriver package lets you work with C compilers that are installed on your computer. It lets you build executables, libraries, and object files from C source code. ...
Decagon is a regular polygon with ten edges, for use with polytope functions.
(Polytopes Package Symbol) Digon is a regular polygon with two edges, for use with polytope functions.
Dodecagon is a regular polygon with twelve edges, for use with polytope functions.
Heptagon is a regular polygon with seven edges, for use with polytope functions.
Hexagon is a regular polygon with six edges, for use with polytope functions.
Nonagon is a regular polygon with nine edges, for use with polytope functions.
Octagon is a regular polygon with eight edges, for use with polytope functions.
Pentagon is a regular polygon with five edges, for use with polytope functions.