AddEventHandler[obj@event, func] assigns the specified Mathematica function func to be called when the given event event fires.
TetGenGetElementAttributes[expr] gets the element attributes in a TetGen expression.
MATHEMATICA HOW TO Tutorials » Notebooks as Documents Doing Computations in Notebooks Options for Notebooks Options for Cells Two-Dimensional Expression Input Entering ...
DerivativeFilter[image, {n_1, n_2}] computes the n_i\[Null]^th derivative of image in the vertical and horizontal directions.DerivativeFilter[image, {n_1, n_2}, \[Sigma]] ...
$Display gives a list of files and pipes to be used with the default $DisplayFunction.
BilateralFilter[image, \[Sigma], \[Mu]] applies a bilateral filter of spatial spread \[Sigma] and pixel value spread \[Mu] to image.
CommonestFilter[image, r] transforms image by replacing each pixel with the most common pixel value in its range r neighborhood.CommonestFilter[data, r] applies commonest ...
ImageLevels[image] gives a list of pixel values and counts for each channel in image. ImageLevels[image, n] bins pixel values into n equally spaced levels.ImageLevels[image, ...
When you make a definition in the form f[args]=rhs or f[args]:=rhs, Mathematica associates your definition with the object f. This means, for example, that such definitions ...
NETNewDelegate[type, func] creates a new instance of the specified .NET delegate type whose action is to call the named Mathematica function when triggered.