(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Pruning[image] removes the outermost branches of thin objects in image by setting their values to black.Pruning[image, n] removes branches that are at most n pixels ...
Triangle is a type of waveform.
AnimationCycleRepetitions is an option for cells that specifies the number of times a given animation cycle should be repeated.
ButtonData is an option for the low-level function ButtonBox that specifies the second argument to give to the ButtonFunction for the button when the button is active and is ...
DiacriticalPositioning is an option for UnderscriptBox and related boxes that specifies how close diacritical characters are drawn to the base character.
RadicalBoxOptions -> {opt_1 -> val_1, opt_2 -> val_2, ...} is an option for selections that specifies settings for RadicalBox objects.
TabSpacings is an option for character selections that specifies the number of spaces in ems that the cursor advances when the Tab key is pressed.
[1] Mehrotra, S. "On the Implementation of a Primal-Dual Interior Point Method." SIAM Journal on Optimization 2 (1992): 575–601. [2] Nelder, J.A. and R. Mead. "A Simplex ...
int MLPutByteArray (MLINK link, unsigned char *a, int *dims, char ** heads, int d) puts an array of integers in the range 0\[Dash]255 to the MathLink connection specified by ...
ImplementJavaInterface[interfaces, mappings] uses the Dynamic Proxy facility of Java to create a new Java class and return an object of that class that implements the named ...