FrontEndEventActions is an option for the notebook front end that gives a list of actions to perform when specified user-interface events occur.
Verbatim[expr] represents expr in pattern matching, requiring that expr be matched exactly as it appears, with no substitutions for blanks or other transformations.
int MLPutShortInteger (MLINK link, int i) puts the integer i to the MathLink connection specified by link, assuming that i contains only the number of digits in the C type ...
ControllableModelQ[ss] yields True if the StateSpaceModel object ss is controllable, and False otherwise.
AlternatingGroup[n] generates the set of even-size n permutations, the alternating group on n symbols. AlternatingGroup[l] generates the set of even permutations of the list ...
Check Spelling opens the Check Spelling dialog box and searches for misspelled words.
DeleteContents is an option for DeleteDirectory that specifies whether the contents of directories should automatically be deleted.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) ! expr is the logical NOT function. It gives False if expr is True, and True if it is False.
GeometricMean[list] gives the geometric mean of the values in list.
ImageCrop[image] crops image by removing borders of uniform color. ImageCrop[image, {w, h}] crops image to pixel width w and pixel height h.ImageCrop[image, size] crops image ...