MLINK MLOpenArgcArgv (MLENV env, int argc, char ** argv, int* errno) opens a MathLink connection, taking parameters from command-line arguments.
QuarterTone is an interval list in which each semitone (100 cents) is split in two.
SixthTone is an interval list in which each semitone (100 cents) is split in three.
(Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package Symbol) ButcherRowSum is an option to RungeKuttaOrderConditions that specifies whether the row\[Dash]sum conditions for the \[FormalC]_i should be added to the list of order ...
Edit Stylesheet edits the style definitions for the current notebook.
RenameDirectory["dir_1", "dir_2"] renames the directory dir_1 to dir_2.
ScriptSizeMultipliers is an option for Style that specifies how much smaller to render each successive level of subscripts, etc.
JavaBlock -- release any Java objects created during evaluation once evaluation finishes, BeginJavaBlock, EndJavaBlock -- mark the beginning and end of a Java block, ...
LoadedJavaClasses[] returns a list of the classes currently loaded into Java by Mathematica.
void MLSetUserData (MLINK link, void* d, MLUserFunction f) installs the users data object data and function f in link.