SQLDropTable[conn, table] drops a table in an SQL connection.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) Parent is a tag used as an argument to the function AllPairsShortestPath in order to inform this function that information about parents in the shortest paths is also wanted.
All the functionality in Miscellaneous`Calendar` is now available through the newly created Calendar Package.
$VersionNumber is a real number which gives the current Mathematica kernel version number, and increases in successive versions.
This example displays a dialog for finding prime numbers and alerting the user when any entered expression evaluates to a prime number. The modal version also shows how ...
ErrorListPlot[{{y_1, dy_1}, {y_2, dy_2}, ...}] plots points corresponding to a list of values y_1, y_2, ..., with corresponding error bars. The errors have magnitudes dy_1, ...
SQLConnectionPools[] returns a list of the open connection pools.SQLConnectionPools[conn] returns the connection pool used for a connection.
SQLTable[...] represents a table in an SQL connection.
KeepJavaObject[object] causes the specified object or objects not to be released when the current JavaBlock ends. KeepJavaObject[object, Manual] causes the specified object ...
KeepNETObject[object] causes the specified object(s) not to be released when the current NETBlock ends. KeepNETObject[object, Manual] causes the specified object to escape ...