Open/Close Group toggles a cell group between open and closed. Closing a group collapses all cells in the group so that only the head cell is visible.
Paste into Graphic inserts the current contents of the clipboard into the selected (or clicked upon) graphic.
Remove From Evaluation Queue cancels the pending evaluation of a cell.
Show Page Breaks calculates and displays page breaks on screen.
Show Toolbar toggles toolbar display along the top of a notebook.
Text Alignment assigns a text alignment to the selected cells.
Typesetting opens a submenu of common typesetting actions.
AnchoredSearch is an option for Find and FindList that specifies whether the text searched for must be at the beginning of a record.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Back is a symbol that represents the back of a graphic for purposes of placement and alignment.
BeginDialogPacket[integer] is a MathLink packet that indicates the start of the Dialog subsession referenced by integer.