UnderoverscriptBox[x, y, z] is the low-level box representation for x_y^z in notebook expressions.
$CurrentLink is the LinkObject representing the MathLink connection for an external program currently being installed or being called.
Explicit representations of newlines and tabs in strings. This prints on two lines. In InputForm there is an explicit ∖n to represent the newline.
LinkRankMatrix[g] returns the link rank of the graph g, in the form of a sparse matrix. The link rank of an edge u -> v is defined as the PageRanks of u, divided by the ...
You can create and present slide shows directly from within Mathematica . Mathematica provides an integrated workflow from initial experimentation to final presentation. ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Monitor[expr, mon] generates a temporary monitor cell in which the continually updated current value of mon is displayed during the course of evaluation of expr.
GUIScreenShot[interface] generates a graphic that captures the current state of the runtime user interface.
RankedEmbedding[l] takes a set partition l of vertices {1, 2, ..., n} and returns an embedding of the vertices in the plane such that the vertices in each block occur on a ...
BinaryRead[stream] reads one byte of raw binary data from an input stream, and returns an integer from 0 to 255. BinaryRead[stream, type] reads an object of the specified ...
ChessboardDistance[u, v] gives the chessboard, Chebyshev, or sup norm distance between vectors u and v.