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GravitationalConstant   (Physical Constants Package Symbol)
GravitationalConstant is the coefficient of proportionality in Newton's law of gravitation.
HubbleConstant   (Physical Constants Package Symbol)
HubbleConstant is a measure of the rate at which the expansion of the universe varies with distance.
IcePoint   (Physical Constants Package Symbol)
IcePoint is the temperature at which a mixture of air-saturated pure water and pure ice may exist in equilibrium at a pressure of one standard atmosphere.
SpeedOfLight   (Physical Constants Package Symbol)
SpeedOfLight is the speed of light in a vacuum, a universal constant.
CircumscribedRadius   (Polytopes Package Symbol)
CircumscribedRadius[polygon] gives the radius of a circumscribed circle of polygon polygon, when the edges of polygon have unit length.
InscribedRadius   (Polytopes Package Symbol)
InscribedRadius[polygon] gives the radius of an inscribed circle of polygon polygon, when the edges of polygon have unit length.
Put Headers and Footers on Notebooks   (Mathematica How To)
Mathematica notebooks can have headers and footers that are displayed when the notebook is printed but not on screen. Headers and footers can contain fixed text or dynamic ...
Evaluator   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Evaluator is an option for objects such as Button, Dynamic, and Cell that gives the name of the kernel to use to evaluate their contents.
GroupPageBreakWithin   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
GroupPageBreakWithin is an option for Cell that specifies whether a page break should be allowed within the group of cells if the notebook that contains the group is printed.
Run   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
Run[expr_1, expr_2, ...] generates the printed form of the expressions expr_i, separated by spaces, and runs it as an external operating system command.
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