Sawtooth is a type of waveform.
Square is a type of waveform.
ChromaticNumber[g] gives the chromatic number of the graph, which is the fewest number of colors necessary to color the graph.
Contract[g, {x, y}] gives the graph resulting from contracting the pair of vertices {x, y} of graph g.
Eulerian[n, k] gives the number of permutations of length n with k runs.
GraphDifference[g, h] constructs the graph resulting from subtracting the edges of graph h from the edges of graph g.
Josephus[n, m] generates the inverse of the permutation defined by executing every m\[Null]^th member in a circle of n members.
MinimumVertexColoring[g] returns a minimum vertex coloring of g. MinimumVertexColoring[g, k] returns a k-coloring of g, if one exists.
NextGrayCodeSubset[l, s] constructs the successor of s in the Gray code of set l.
NextLexicographicSubset[l, s] gives the lexicographic successor of subset s of set l.