NumberOfCompositions[n, k] counts the number of distinct compositions of integer n into k parts.
NumberOfPartitions[n] counts the number of integer partitions of n.
NumberOfPermutationsByCycles[n, m] gives the number of permutations of length n with exactly m cycles.
NumberOfPermutationsByTypes[l] gives the number of permutations of type l.
NumberOfSpanningTrees[g] gives the number of labeled spanning trees of graph g.
RankSubset[l, s] gives the rank, in canonical order, of subset s of set l.
(Combinatorica Package Symbol) V[g] gives the order or number of vertices of the graph g.
(Quaternions Package Symbol) AbsIJK[q] gives the absolute value of the pure quaternion part of q.
AdjustedSignIJK[q] gives the sign of the pure quaternion part of q, adjusted so its first nonzero component is positive.
Mathematica normally organizes the cells in a notebook automatically into hierarchical groups. Double-clicking lets you show only the heading cell of a group, or only a ...