(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) $Input is a global variable whose value is the name of the stream from which input to Mathematica is currently being sought.
$MachineName is a string that gives the assigned name of the computer on which Mathematica is being run, if such a name is defined.
To run Mathematica using a network license, both the client machine and the license server must be on the network and MathLM must be running. If you do not have a MathLM ...
(SymbolicC Package Symbol) CBlock[args] is a symbolic representation of a block of statements.
PairGroupIndex[g, x] returns the cycle index of the pair group induced by g as a polynomial in x[1], x[2], ....PairGroupIndex[ci, x] takes the cycle index ci of a group g ...
(Hypothesis Testing Package Symbol) FRatioCI[ratio, n, m] gives a confidence interval based on an F-ratio distribution with n and m degrees of freedom.
MultivariateTrimmedMean[matrix, f] gives the mean of the bivariate data matrix after dropping a fraction f of the outermost vectors.
ShadowOffset is an option for ShadowBox, which sets the offset of a shadow from the rest of the box.
IncludeStemCounts is an option for StemLeafPlot which specifies whether a column of counts for each stem should be included.
While some cells in Mathematica are not visible, they can still be selected for editing and modification. Selecting cells without visible cell brackets works just like ...