(Computer Arithmetic Package Symbol) Ulps is a unit of error in machine arithmetic.
DifferentialEquationTrek is a setting for the option TrekGenerator that specifies that treks are generated from the phase space of the numerical solution of a differential ...
ExtensionDegree[f] gives the degree of the extension of the field f over its base field.
MaximalIndependentVertexSet[g] gives a maximal independent vertex set of an undirected graph g.MaximalIndependentVertexSet[g, w] gives a maximal independent vertex set of g ...
ButcherPlotColumns is an option to ButcherPlot that specifies the number of columns in the array of Butcher tree plots.
AccelerationDueToGravity is the acceleration of a body freely falling in a vacuum on Earth at sea level.
AgeOfUniverse is the age of the universe, a physical constant.
BoltzmannConstant is the ratio of the universal gas constant (MolarGasConstant) to Avogadro's number (AvogadroConstant).
CosmicBackgroundTemperature is the temperature of the cosmic background radiation.
DeuteronMass is the mass of a deuteron.