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TerraService Web Services Example   (WebServices Tutorial)
Terraservice.net is a website that provides access to aerial imagery and topographical maps of the United States. A web service has been provided that allows developers to ...
SystemPropertiesPanel   (GUIKit Package)
Widget["SystemPropertiesPanel"] displays the current system property values of the underlying runtime engine.
Standalone Java Application   (GUIKit Package Tutorial)
The GUIKit` package can also be used to provide Mathematica-enriched user interfaces to standalone Java applications, leveraging the fact that J/Link also works within a Java ...
DaysBetween   (Calendar Package Symbol)
DaysBetween[{year_1, month_1, day_1}, {year_2, month_2, day_2}] gives the number of days between the dates {year_1, month_1, day_1} and {year_2, month_2, day_2}. ...
MicroscopePlot   (Computer Arithmetic Package Symbol)
MicroscopePlot[f, {x, a}] plots the expression f in a small neighborhood of a using machine arithmetic.MicroscopePlot[f, {x, a, n}] plots f from a - n ulps to a + n ulps.
Aggressive   (Graph Utilities Package Symbol)
Aggressive is an option to PseudoDiameter that specifies whether an extra iteration is to be carried out.
StudentTCI   (Hypothesis Testing Package Symbol)
StudentTCI[\[Mu], \[Sigma], df] gives a confidence interval based on Student's t distribution with df degrees of freedom.
EllipsoidQuantile   (Multivariate Statistics Package Symbol)
EllipsoidQuantile[matrix, q] gives the ellipsoidal locus of the q\[Null]^th quantile of matrix.EllipsoidQuantile[matrix, {q_1, q_2, ...}] gives ellipsoidal loci for multiple ...
LegendSize   (Plot Legends Package Symbol)
LegendSize is an option for Legend which specifies the size of a legend box.
PrimeQCertificateCheck   (Primality Proving Package Symbol)
PrimeQCertificateCheck[cert, n] gives True if cert is a valid certificate for the primality or compositeness of n, and False otherwise.
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