(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) On[symbol::tag] switches on a message, so that it can be printed. On["name"] switches on a named group of messages.On[s] switches on tracing for the symbol s. On[m_1, m_2, ...
Power series are represented in Mathematica as SeriesData objects. The power series is printed out as a sum of terms, ending with O[x] raised to a power. Internally, however, ...
UsingFrontEnd[expr] evaluates expr, making use of a front end if necessary.
Although Diophantine equations provide classic examples of undecidability, Mathematica in practice succeeds in solving a remarkably wide range of such equations—automatically ...
NHoldFirst is an attribute which specifies that the first argument to a function should not be affected by N.
Automatically selecting between hundreds of powerful and in many cases original algorithms, Mathematica provides both numerical and symbolic solving of differential equations ...
SphericalBesselJ[n, z] gives the spherical Bessel function of the first kind j_n (z).
From overall layout to details of particular features, Mathematica allows broad manual and programmatic control of the appearance of charts —fully integrated with its ...
NonConstants is an option for D which gives a list of objects to be taken to depend implicitly on the differentiation variables.
Integrated into the core Mathematica language is industrial-strength string manipulation, not only with ordinary regular expressions, but also with Mathematica's own powerful ...