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SQLTableIndexInformation   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLTableIndexInformation[conn] returns a table of indices and statistics for a table.
SQLTablePrimaryKeys   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLTablePrimaryKeys[conn] returns a table of primary key descriptions.
SQLTablePrivileges   (DatabaseLink Symbol)
SQLTablePrivileges[conn] returns a table of access rights about the tables in an SQL connection.
ActivateWindow   (NETLink Symbol)
ActivateWindow is an option to DoNETModeless that specifies whether to make the window visible.
$TetGenInstallationDirectory   (TetGenLink Package Symbol)
$TetGenInstallationDirectory gives the top-level directory in which your TetGen installation resides.
$TetGenLibrary   (TetGenLink Package Symbol)
$TetGenLibrary is the full path to the TetGen library loaded by TetGenLink.
GUIInformation   (GUIKit Package Symbol)
GUIInformation[obj] returns information about a live interface object.GUIInformation[obj, target] returns information about a specific widget in the ...
GUIKit Example: Making Progress   (GUIKit Package Tutorial)
This example shows how to generate a reusable progress bar panel and use it as a modeless dialog for displaying progress with your own Mathematica calculations. There are ...
BenchmarkReport   (Benchmarking Package Symbol)
BenchmarkReport[] runs the benchmark and produces a report in a separate notebook comparing this system to a selection of reference systems. BenchmarkReport["system_1", ...
ButterflyGraph   (Combinatorica Package Symbol)
ButterflyGraph[n] returns the n-dimensional butterfly graph, a directed graph whose vertices are pairs (w, i), where w is a binary string of length n and i is an integer in ...
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