ButcherColumnConditions[p, s] gives the column-simplifying conditions up to and including order p for s stages. ButcherColumnConditions[p] gives the column-simplifying ...
ButcherQuadratureConditions[p, s] gives the quadrature conditions up to and including order p for s stages. ButcherQuadratureConditions[p] gives the quadrature conditions in ...
ButcherRowConditions[p, s] gives the row-simplifying conditions up to and including order p for s stages. ButcherRowConditions[p] gives the row-simplifying conditions in ...
ButcherTreeSimplify[p, \[Eta], \[Xi]] gives the set of trees through order p that are not reduced by Butcher's quadrature conditions through order p, row-simplifying ...
(Numerical Differential Equation Analysis Package Symbol) Explicit is a setting for the option RungeKuttaMethod specifying the type of Runge\[Dash]Kutta method to be generated.
$ContinuousExtension is a global environment setting, specifying whether to generate conditions for continuous extensions of Runge\[Dash]Kutta methods.
SolarConstant is the rate at which solar radiation is received outside Earth's atmosphere on a surface normal to the incident radiation and at Earth's mean distance from the ...
ShadowForeground is an option for ShadowBox, which specifies a style for the foreground of a shadow box.
IncludeStemUnits is an option for StemLeafPlot which specifies whether the units of the stems should be included with the plot.
(Units Package Symbol) Abmho is a unit of electric conductance in the CGS system.