ChoiceDialog[expr] puts up a standard choice dialog that displays expr together with OK and Cancel buttons, and returns True if OK is clicked and False if Cancel is ...
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Dashed is a graphics directive specifying that lines that follow should be drawn dashed.
DefaultButton[] represents an OK button that closes a dialog, and is the default when DynamicBox[ToBoxes[If[$OperatingSystem === "MacOSX", "Return", "Enter"], StandardForm], ...
DialogInput[expr] interactively puts up expr as a dialog notebook, waits until a DialogReturn[e] is evaluated from within it, and then returns the result e. DialogInput[{x = ...
DynamicSetting[e] represents an object which displays as e, but is interpreted as the dynamically updated current value of Setting[e] if supplied as Mathematica ...
FrontEndToken["cmd"] is an object which represents a front end command token, typically corresponding to a front end menu item, to be executed by FrontEndExecute. ...
NotebookRead[notebook] gives the expression corresponding to the current selection in the specified notebook object.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) Quit[] terminates a Mathematica kernel session.
(Built-in Mathematica Symbol) lhs === rhs yields True if the expression lhs is identical to rhs, and yields False otherwise.
TableHeadings is an option for TableForm and MatrixForm which gives the labels to be printed for entries in each dimension of a table or matrix.