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SymbolicOpenCLThreadIndex   (OpenCLLink Symbol)
SymbolicOpenCLThreadIndex[dim] is a symbolic representation of an OpenCL kernel thread index call.
Bicomponents   (Graph Utilities Package Symbol)
Bicomponents[g] gives the biconnected components of the undirected graph g.
CommunityStructurePartition   (Graph Utilities Package Symbol)
CommunityStructurePartition[g] gives the partition of a graph g into communities.
NeighborhoodVertices   (Graph Utilities Package Symbol)
NeighborhoodVertices[g, i, r] gives vertices that can be reached from vertex i within r hops.NeighborhoodVertices[g, i] gives vertices that can be reached from vertex i.
PossibleZeroQ   (Built-in Mathematica Symbol)
PossibleZeroQ[expr] gives True if basic symbolic and numerical methods suggest that expr has value zero, and gives False otherwise.
LoadCOMTypeLibrary   (NETLink Symbol)
LoadCOMTypeLibrary[library] creates a so-called "interop" assembly from the named type library and loads that assembly.
General::list   (Mathematica Message)
Google Web Services Example   (WebServices Tutorial)
Google.com is a well-known web search engine. Google has made a web service available that allows developers to interface with their search engine within their own ...
Wizard   (GUIKit Package)
Widget["Wizard"] represents a collection of pages that form a wizard.
GraphDistance   (Graph Utilities Package Symbol)
GraphDistance[g, i, j] gives the distance from vertex i to vertex j in the graph g.
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