


is an option for WSMRealTimePlot that specifies the updating behavior.

Details and Options

  • WSMPlotUpdating accepts the following values:
  • "Scrolling"maximum extra space after last data
    "Overwrite"overwrite earlier plot data
    {"mode","p1"->v1,}use mode with suboptions pi
  • The "Scrolling" mode has the following suboptions:
  • "RangePadding"0maximum extra padding after latest data


Basic Examples  (4)

Load Wolfram System Modeler Link:

Plot with an overwriting scroll mode:

Plot the last seven seconds of simulation:

Start the simulation:

Stop the simulation:

Plot in a continuously scrolling mode:

Start the simulation:

Stop the simulation:

Plot in a scrolling mode with additional range padding:

Plot the last seven seconds of simulation:

Start the simulation:

Stop the simulation: