'if'if |
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This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.
Declare equations or execute statements conditionally
parameter Boolean linear=true; parameter Boolean quadratic=false; Real x, y; equation if linear then y = x + 1; elseif quadratic then y = x^2 + x + 1; else y = Modelica.Math.sin(x) + 1; end if;
Integer i; Integer sign_of_i=if i<0 then -1 else if i==0 then 0 else 1;
In equation sections:
if expression then { equation ";" } { elseif expression then { equation ";" } } [ else { equation ";" } ] end if
In algorithm sections:
if expression then { algorithm ";" } { elseif expression then { algorithm ";" } } [ else { algorithm ";" } ] end if
The expression of an if and elseif-clause must be scalar Boolean expression. One if-clause, and zero or more elseif-clauses, and an optional else-clause together form a list of branches. One or zero of the bodies of these if-, elseif- and else-clauses is selected, by evaluating the conditions of the if- and elseif-clauses sequentially until a condition that evaluates to true is found. If none of the conditions evaluate to true the body of the else-clause is selected (if an else-clause exists, otherwise no body is selected). In an algorithm section, the selected body is then executed. In an equation section, the equations in the body are seen as equations that must be satisfied. The bodies that are not selected have no effect on that model evaluation.
If clauses in equation sections which do not have exclusively parameter expressions as switching conditions shall have an else clause and each branch shall have the same number of equations. [If this condition is violated, the single assignment rule would not hold, because the number of equations may change during simulation although the number of unknowns remains the same].
An expression
if expression1 then expression2 else expression3
is one example of if-expression. First expression1, which must be Boolean expression, is evaluated. If expression1 is true expression2 is evaluated and is the value of the if-expression, else expression3 is evaluated and is the value of the if-expression. The two expressions, expression2 and expression3, must be type compatible and give the type of the if-expression. If-expressions with elseif are defined by replacing elseif by else if.[Note: elseif is added for symmetry with if-clauses.]