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Mathematica® Teacher's Edition (2002)

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FilledSmallSquare && && ... is the logical AND function. It evaluates its arguments in order, giving False immediately if any of them are False, and True if they are all True.

FilledSmallSquare And[, , ... ] can be input in StandardForm and InputForm as ... . The character can be entered as AliasIndicator&&AliasIndicator, AliasIndicatorandAliasIndicator or \[And].
FilledSmallSquare And evaluates its arguments in a non-standard way (see Section A.4.2).
FilledSmallSquare And gives symbolic results when necessary, removing initial arguments that are True.
FilledSmallSquare See The Mathematica Book on the web: Section 1.5.6.
FilledSmallSquare See also: LogicalExpand, BitAnd.