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Mathematica® Teacher's Edition (2002)

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FilledSmallSquare FixedPoint[f, expr] starts with expr, then applies f repeatedly until the result no longer changes.

FilledSmallSquare FixedPoint[f, expr, n] stops after at most n steps.
FilledSmallSquare FixedPoint always returns the last result it gets.
FilledSmallSquare FixedPoint[f, expr] applies SameQ to successive pairs of results to determine whether a fixed point has been reached.
FilledSmallSquare NestWhile[f, expr, comp, 2] uses a general comparison function.
FilledSmallSquare See The Mathematica Book on the web: Section 2.2.2.
FilledSmallSquare See also: FixedPointList, NestWhile, Nest, ReplaceRepeated.