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Mathematica® Teacher's Edition (2002)

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FilledSmallSquare Series[f, x, , n] generates a power series expansion for f about the point to order .
FilledSmallSquare Series[f, x, , , y, , ] successively finds series expansions with respect to y, then x.

FilledSmallSquare Series can construct standard Taylor series, as well as certain expansions involving negative powers, fractional powers and logarithms.
FilledSmallSquare Series detects certain essential singularities.
FilledSmallSquare Series can expand about the point .
FilledSmallSquare Series[f, x, 0, n] constructs Taylor series for any function f according to the formula .
FilledSmallSquare Series effectively evaluates partial derivatives using D. It assumes that different variables are independent.
FilledSmallSquare Normal[series] truncates a power series and converts it to a normal expression.
FilledSmallSquare SeriesCoefficient[series, n] finds the coefficient of the order term.
FilledSmallSquare See The Mathematica Book on the web: Section 1.5.9 and Section 3.6.1.
FilledSmallSquare Implementation Notes: see Section A.9.5.
FilledSmallSquare See also: Limit, Normal.