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Mathematica® Teacher's Edition (2002)

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FilledSmallSquare Simplify[expr] performs a sequence of algebraic transformations on expr, and returns the simplest form it finds.
FilledSmallSquare Simplify[expr, assum] does simplification using assumptions.

FilledSmallSquare Simplify tries expanding, factoring and doing other transformations on expressions, keeping track of the simplest form obtained.
FilledSmallSquare Assumptions can consist of equations, inequalities, domain assertions such as x Integers, and logical combinations of these.
FilledSmallSquare Example: Simplify[Sqrt[x^2], x Reals]LongRightArrow.
FilledSmallSquare Simplify can be used on equations, inequalities and domain assertions.
FilledSmallSquare Example: Simplify[x^2 > 3, x > 2]LongRightArrow.
FilledSmallSquare Objects that are specified as satisfying inequalities are always assumed to be real.
FilledSmallSquare Example: Simplify[x Reals, x > 0]LongRightArrow.
FilledSmallSquare FullSimplify does more extensive simplification than Simplify.
FilledSmallSquare See The Mathematica Book on the web: Section 1.4.4, Section 1.4.6 and Section 3.3.9.
FilledSmallSquare See also: FullSimplify, Factor, Expand, TrigExpand, PowerExpand, ComplexExpand, Element.