Legacy Documentation

Mathematica® Teacher's Edition (2002)

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FilledSmallSquare Table[expr, imax] generates a list of imax copies of expr.
FilledSmallSquare Table[expr, i, imax] generates a list of the values of expr when i runs from 1 to imax.
FilledSmallSquare Table[expr, i, imin, imax] starts with i = imin.
FilledSmallSquare Table[expr, i, imin, imax, di] uses steps di.
FilledSmallSquare Table[expr, i, imin, imax, j, jmin, jmax, ... ] gives a nested list. The list associated with i is outermost.

FilledSmallSquare Table evaluates its arguments in a non-standard way (see Section A.4.2).
FilledSmallSquare Example: Table[f[i], i, 4]LongRightArrow.
FilledSmallSquare Table uses the standard Mathematica TE iteration specification.
FilledSmallSquare Example: Table[i-j, i, 2, j, 2]LongRightArrow.
FilledSmallSquare You can use Table to build up vectors, matrices and tensors.
FilledSmallSquare See The Mathematica Book on the web: Section 1.7.3 and Section 1.8.2.
FilledSmallSquare See also: Range, DiagonalMatrix, IdentityMatrix, Array, Do, Sum, Product, FunctionInterpolation, NestList, NestWhileList.