Legacy Documentation

Dynamic Visualizer (2008)

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Documentation / DynamicVisualizer /

Appendix 1:

Function List


Ambient is a surface lighting option for Object3D. Values range from 0.0 (no ambient lighting) to 1.0 (maximum ambient lighting).


ApplicationName is an advanced option for LaunchVisualizer (and StartVisualizer when launching the application). Either a basename or a full file path to the application may be specified.


AxisAndAngleRule{{x,y,z}, angle} is an option for Object3D, Model3D, and Camera references. The orientation of an object is described as a counterclockwise rotation about the axis, {x, y, z} about the invariant point.


BoundingBox is an option for Model3D. Values may be False (invisible) or True (visible).


Camera[{VisualizerUniverse,"Camera"}] refers to the camera in Dynamic Visualizer.


ClearVisualizer[] destroys all objects except the default model and camera, which are both reset to their original locations and orientations.


ConnectionName is an advanced option for ConnectVisualizer (and StartVisualizer when connecting to the application).


ConnectVisualizer[(options)] is an advanced function that allows the user to connect the Mathematica kernel to Dynamic Visualizer manually. A manual link name may be specified using the option ConnectionName.


CoordinateReference is an option for Camera. Allowed values are VisualizerUniverse or a Model3D reference.


CreateObject typically creates an Object3D. CreateObject[Object3D[name], graphics, (options)] creates a named Object3D in the current default Model3D. CreateObject3D[Model3D{VisualizerUniverse,name}],(options)] creates a Model3D. Model3D names must terminate with a single backquote (`).


DestroyObject destroys either a single object or a list of objects.


Diffuse is a surface lighting option that can be applied to Object3D. Values range from 0.0 (no diffuse lighting) to 1.0 (maximum diffuse lighting).


EquivalentTransformationMatrix[Graphics3D] returns the 4×4 transformation matrix rule equivalent to the notebook viewpoint.


EquivalentViewPoint[] returns a list of graphics options to generate a similar viewpoint of the default model.


EulerAnglesRule{omega, theta, psi} is an option for Object3D, Model3D, and Camera references. The Euler orientation is described as rotation around the z, y, z` axes about the invariant point. Please note that other packages may use alternative definitions for Euler angle rotation.


ExportVisualizerAnimation[filename, animation] exports the animation to disk. If no animation is supplied, the last animation sent to Dynamic Visualizer is used.


FlatShaded is a possible value for the RenderMode option. When set, objects are displayed as a set of flat-shaded polygons.


InteractiveMovement is an option for Object3D, Model3D, and Camera references. Allowed values are True (allow mouse movement) and False (lock orientation and location).


InvariantPoint is an option for Object3D, Model3D, and Camera references. Objects rotate and scale about this point. Acceptable values are {x, y, z} or Center.


LaunchVisualizer[(options)] is an advanced function that allows the user to launch Dynamic Visualizer and connect it to the kernel. The default application name may be overridden using the option ApplicationName.


LocateObject[object,{x,y,z}] (and its inert form, DV`LocateObject) sets the location of an Object3D, Model3D, or Camera reference to {x, y, z}.


Location is an option applicable to Object3D, Model3D, or Camera references. LocationRule{x,y,z} displaces an Object3D by {x, y, z}.


Model3D[{VisualizerUniverse,"name`"}] is a reference to a model. A model represents a spatial volume given by the ModelRange. Model names must end with a single backquote (`). Models are created and destroyed using CreateObject and DestroyObject. The special model called Default` cannot be destroyed. Model3D options include BoundingBox and ModelRange in addition to the standard Object3D options.


ModelRange is an option for Model3D references. The model range is the spatial range represented by the model. The ModelRange may expand when large objects are created in the model. The ModelRange may be set explicitly to {{xMin, xMax},{yMin, yMax},{zMin, zMax}}.


Object3D["name"] refers to a Dynamic Visualizer graphics object in the current default model (as given by $DefaultModel3D). Object3D[{VisualizerUniverse, modelname, "name"}] refers to a specific object in the specified model.


Opacity is a surface lighting option for Object3D references. Allowed values range from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque).


PointCloud is a possible setting for the RenderMode option. When set, objects are displayed as a set of points.


QuitExternalApplicationRuleTrue/False is an advanced option for QuitVisualizer. Setting this to False prevents the kernel from sending a Quit command to the application via the MathLink interface.


QuitVisualizer[options] closes the connection to Dynamic Visualizer.


RenderMode is an option for Object3D, Model3D, and Camera references. Allowed settings are PointCloud, WireFrame, and FlatShaded or SmoothShaded.


Scale is an option applicable to Object3D and Model3D references. The default scale of an Object3D is unity. The scale must be a positive number or a list of three positive numbers to scale independently along the x, y, and z axes. Objects are scaled about their invariant point.


SmoothShaded is a possible setting for the RenderMode option. When set, objects are displayed as a set of smooth-shaded polygons.


Specular is a surface lighting option for Object3D references. Allowed values range from 0.0 (no specular highlights) to 1.0 (maximum specular highlights).


StartVisualizer[(options)] is an advanced function to start or connect to Dynamic Visualizer under manual control.


TransformationMatrix is an option for Object3D, Model3D, and Camera references. Either a 3×3 or a 4×4 matrix may be supplied. The 3×3 matrix affects the Orientation. The 4×4 matrix affects Orientation, Scale, and Location.


TranslateObject[object,{x,y,z}] (and its inert form, DV`TranslateObject) sets the object location to {x, y, z}.


Visible is an option for Dynamic Visualizer objects. Allowed values are False (invisible) and True (visible).


Visualize[data] sends data to Dynamic Visualizer where data is Graphics3D, SurfaceGraphics, or a list of animation commands.


VisualizerObjectQ[object] returns True if the specified object exists in Dynamic Visualizer.


VisualizerObjects[] returns a list of all Object3D, Model3D, and Camera references. VisualizerObjects[(type)] returns only references of the specified type. VisualizerObjects[Model3D[...]] returns a list of objects inside the specified model. VisualizerObjects[(string)] returns all objects whose names match the specified string.


VisualizerPalettes[ ] opens all Dynamic Visualizer palettes.


VisualizerShow[graphics] creates the three-dimensional graphics in Dynamic Visualizer, with a similar viewpoint and mesh compared to the Show command.


VisualizerUniverse represents the underlying model in which all Dynamic Visualizer objects and models exist.


Wireframe is a possible setting for the RenderMode option. When set, objects are displayed as a wireframe.


YawPitchRollRule{Z angle, X angle, Y angle} is an option for Object3D, Model3D, and Camera references. Yaw, pitch, roll represent rotations around an object's z, x, and y axes, respectively. The complete rotation is about the invariant point.


$DefaultModel3D contains the reference to the default model to be used when referring to objects.


$LastVisualizerObject contains a reference to the last object created in Dynamic Visualizer (or None if Dynamic Visualizer isn't running).


$PreVisualize is a function applied to expressions sent to Dynamic Visualizer using the Visualize command. It is available for the user's own requirements.


$SelectedVisualizerObjects contains a list of currently selected objects.


$SystemDisplayFunction contains the original $DisplayFunction when Dynamic Visualizer was loaded.


$VisualizerApplicationName contains the filename of the Dynamic Visualizer application that is launched when using StartVisualizer.


$VisualizerLink contains the private MathLink connection to Dynamic Visualizer.


The expression in the $VisualizerStartUpCommand string is executed once the Dynamic Visualizer package has been loaded. The default behavior is to do nothing. To start the application when the package is loaded, include $VisualizerStartUpCommand ="Visualize[ ]" in your initialization file.


$VisualizerTimeout is the maximum time in seconds that the kernel is prepared to wait for a reply from Dynamic Visualizer.


$VisualizerVersion is a string that indicates which version of Dynamic Visualizer is running.


$VisualizerVersionNumber is a real number that gives the current Dynamic Visualizer version number.