Legacy Documentation

Mathematica CalcCenter 2 (2002)

This is documentation for an obsolete product.
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Documentation / CalculationCenter / Functions / Graphics /


FilledSmallSquare SmartPlot[f] or SmartPlot[f[vars]] gives an InstantCalculator to plot the function given. A default style and range for the plot is chosen automatically.

FilledSmallSquare You can also select the function you want plotted and click SmartPlot on the Home Controller.

FilledSmallSquare You can use the buttons on the InstantCalculator to change the style or range of the plot. Click Calculate to redraw the plot.

FilledSmallSquare See also: Plot, Plot3D, ListPlot, ListPlot3D.

FilledSmallSquare Or see: 2D Plots, 3D Plots, Data Plots in Other Information.



