"Reddit" (Service Connection)

Connect to Reddit using the Wolfram Language to retrieve data on user accounts, posts, comments, and private messages.

Connecting & Authenticating

ServiceConnect["Reddit"] creates a connection to the Reddit API. If a previously saved connection can be found, it will be used; otherwise, a new authentication request will be launched.


ServiceExecute["Reddit","request","params"] sends a request to the Reddit API, using parameters params. The following give possible requests.

Private Account Information


"AccountData" data about the authenticated user's account

"AccountFriends" list of authenticated user's friends

"AccountKarma" dataset of authenticated user's karma

Private Messages


"PrivateMessages" retrieves the mailbox from the authenticated user's account

  • "Source""Inbox"mailbox source
    MaxItems25maximum number of messages to retrieve
    "StartIndex"1starting position of results
    "ShowThumbnails"Trueimport thumbnail images
  • Public Account Information


    "UserData" profile information for a specified user

  • "User"authenticated userusername
  • Requests:

    "UserTrophies" earned trophies for a specified user

  • "User"authenticated userusername
    "Elements""FullData"one of "FullData" or "Icon"
    "ShowThumbnails"Trueimport thumbnail images
  • Requests:

    "UserActivity" get recent user activity data

  • "User"authenticated userusername
    "SortBy""New"sorting method
    "Type""Overview"type of user activity
    MaxItems25maximum number of results to retrieve
    "StartIndex"1starting position of results
    "ShowThumbnails"Falseimport thumbnail images
  • Detailed Information on Subreddits and Posts


    "GlobalIDInformation" get data for a "GlobalID"

  • "GlobalID"(required)"GlobalID" list of kinds t1_, t3_, or t5_
    "ShowThumbnails"Falseimport thumbnail images
  • Requests:

    "PostInformation" get data for posts

  • "Post"(required)URL or "GlobalID" of a post
    "ShowThumbnails"Falseimport thumbnail images
  • Requests:

    "SubredditInformation" get data for a subreddit

  • "Subreddit"(required)URL or "GlobalID" of a subreddit
    "ShowThumbnails"Falseimport thumbnail images
  • Contents of Posts and Comments


    "SubredditPosts" retrieves the posts from a subreddit

  • "Subreddit"(required)URL or "GlobalID" of a subreddit
    "SortBy""New"sorting method
    MaxItems25maximum number of posts to retrieve
    "StartIndex"1starting position of results
    "ShowThumbnails"Falseimport thumbnail images
  • Requests:

    "PostCommentsData" retrieves the comments from a post

  • "Post"(required)URL or "GlobalID" of a post
    "Depth"1depth of the comment tree
    MaxItems25number of posts to retrieve, to a maximum of 500; only works with depth set to 1
    "StartIndex"1starting position of results
    "ShowThumbnails"Falseimport thumbnail images
  • Requests:

    "CommentReplyData" retrieves the replies to a comment

  • "Comment"(required)URL or "GlobalID" of a comment
    "Depth"1depth of the comment tree
    MaxItems25number of posts to retrieve, to a maximum of 500; only works with depth set to 1
    "StartIndex"1starting position of results
    "ShowThumbnails"Falseimport thumbnail images
  • ServiceNotes

    "GlobalID" refers to Reddit API fullnames, which include prefixes that identify the specific type of object:
  • "t1_"comment
    "t3_"link or post
    "t4_"message or PM
  • Parameter Details

    Possible settings for "Elements" include:
  • "Icon"return a list of images
    "FullData"return a dataset with all available fields
    "Source"one from "Inbox", "Unread", or "Sent"
    "SortBy"one from "New", "Top", "Hot", or "Controversial"; "Rising" is also available for "SubredditPosts" request
    "Type"one from "Overview", "Submitted", "Comments", "Upvoted", "Downvoted", "Hidden", "Saved", or "Gilded"
  • Examples

    Basic Examples  (1)

    Create a new connection:

    Get information about your own account:

    Get information about a specific user:

    Get information about multiple users:

    Get information on your account karma by subreddit:

    Get your karma from a specific subreddit:

    Get basic information about your trophies:

    Get trophies from a list of users:

    Get detailed trophy information about a specific user:

    Get information about several users' recent activity:

    Get information about a specific post using its URL:

    Use a "GlobalID" instead of a URL:

    Retrieve data for several posts:

    Get information about a specific subreddit:

    Retrieve data on several subreddits:

    Get posts from a specific subreddit:

    Examine one of the results:

    Get posts from different subreddits:

    Examine a single post:

    Retrieve comments on a specific post:

    Create a WordCloud from the comments, removing profanity with the built-in "Profanity" classifier:

    Retrieve data for multiple posts:

    Retrieve comments to the post up to 4 levels deep:

    Get replies to a comment:

    Get replies to multiple comments: