Black-Body Radiation Package

A body that absorbs all radiation incident on it is called an ideal black body. This package provides functions giving the basic properties of blackbody radiation at a specified temperature, and a function for plotting blackbody spectral distributions.

PeakWavelength[temp]wavelength of the maximum emission of a black body at the specified temperature
TotalPower[temp]total power of a black body at the specified temperature
MaxPower[temp,band]power of a black body at the specified temperature for the specified wavelength band about the peak wavelength

Blackbody radiation properties.

This loads the package.
The surface of the sun is about 5000 K. Assuming the sun is a blackbody radiator, this gives the wavelength at which its spectrum peaks.
This gives the total power radiated by a black body at a temperature of 5000 K.
This gives the radiative power in the wavelength interval of 0.1 about the peak wavelength of a black body at a temperature of 5000 K.
BlackBodyProfile[temp1,temp2,]plot the blackbody spectral distribution profiles at the specified temperatures

Plotting blackbody profiles.

This gives the spectral distribution of radiation from a black body for three different temperatures.

Note that BlackBodyProfile takes the same options as Plot in order to specify different styles for each profile curve.